About Us

We're two mums with kids between the ages of 2 & 11 who want to share their ideas on free and cheap fun around Sydney. On our blog you'll find places to visit like parks and attractions as well as family friendly places to eat. Have fun browsing and if you'd like to contact us you can reach us on goodcheapfun@gmail.com. Nat and Ally

Monday, February 15, 2010

Millicent Park - Government Farm Cres, Castle Hill

This is a local park that is a little hidden treasure in terms fenced toddler parks.  It's quite small nestled amongst a fairly new estate in Castle Hill.  Its got great playground equipment, perfect for kids under 5, theres a small gazebo and nice grassy spot for playing ball. Below is an outline of the facilities at the park. 

Due to the size of this park there is no toilets
No bins you must take you rubbish with you
There is no official seating although there are two paved stairs down into the playground, they make perfect seats. 
Not much in the way of natural shade but the gazebo makes for good shade.
Bike/Walking Tracks:
No bike/walking tracks
Playground Equipment:
Fantastic toddler (<5's) play equipment.   The equipment includes a slide, abacus slider, a tunnel, telescope and steering wheel and other things.
Open Spaces:
There is a small , sloped grassy area to the right of the playground perfect for little legs to play with a soccer ball or footy. 
Carparking is limited due to the location of the park there is usually only 2 or 3 spaces on Government Farm Cres, available at any one time.  But if you were meeting with a few friends best to park in the Heritage Park carpark and walk through the small laneway between some houses opposite the Heritage Park carpark.  Access to the laneway is via a small paved pathway that runs behind the houses in the estate where Millicent park is located.  In terms of disabled access it would be quite limited as you need to get up the curb, once above the curb you could access the gazebo.  Unfortunately there is no ramp down to the playground equipment.
Water Bubblers:
No water bubblers

The entire park is fenced.
This park is gated but not in the sense of open/closed hours, its gated because its fenced.
Entry fee:
No entry fee
Unique Attractions:
The close proximity to the Heritage Park would be a unique attraction of this park.  Due to this closeness you could supplement your Heritage Park visit with a walk around to this one. 

View from Government Farm Cres